Siyani Drama All Episode - [Eng Sub] - Anmol Baloch - Mohsin Abbas Haider - Saniya Shamshad - 9th Nov 2022

Siyani Drama All Episode - [Eng Sub] - Anmol Baloch - Mohsin Abbas Haider - Saniya Shamshad - 9th Nov 2022

Siyani Episode 85 - [Eng Sub] - Anmol Baloch - Mohsin Abbas Haider - Saniya Shamshad - 9th November 2022 Hailing from a lower-middle-class family, Kiran is a selfish and arrogant girl who aspires to achieve a lifestyle through mending her ways and taking shortcuts. Kiran’s mother Nusrat Ara is aware of her daughter’s nature and doesn’t stop her from doing anything. On the contrary, Ujala is a well-mannered and beautiful girl who lives with Kiran’s family and strives to become independent. Zarbab, a handsome young man who belongs to an influential and wealthy family. His first meeting with Kiran turns out to be magical as he falls in love at first sight. Kiran sees him as a way to advance forward in life and builds a web of lies and deceit around Zarbab. On the other hand, Ujala is forced to live a life deprived of love and unfulfilled dreams. Will Ujala ever find the love and respect that she deserves? After building her life on lies and deception, how long will Kiran be able to conceal the truth? Written By: Sadia Akhtar Directed By: Ali Akbar Produced By: Abdullah Kadwani & Asad Qureshi Production House: 7th Sky Entertainment Cast : Anmol Baloch - Kiran Usama Khan - Zohaib Saniya Shamshad - Ujala Mohsin Abbas Haider - Zarbaab Erum Akhter - Reema Tipu Shareef - Bakhtiyar Parveen Akbar - Fazeelat Beena Chaudhary - Nusrat Hashim Butt

look, Zohaib is video calling us, Faiza, see. Greetings grandmother, grandfather, how are you? Greetings, the love of my life. Stay blessed child, how are you? I am fine. Child, you called us, where is your father? Father, let me call him right now, father. Whom are you talking to? How are you Zohaib? You forget your parents. How can I forget you all? Stay blessed child. I was talking to Naveen about you all, I don’t know when they called you? What happened child? You don’t seem right, are you fine? Nothing happened mother, you all don’t worry, everything is fine. Child, we are used to of getting sad, we are old now, first you used to call us every day, but now you don’t call us for so many days and where is our daughter in law? She is not calling us as well. Yes child, when I call Naval, she doesn’t pick up my phone and you also don’t call us for so many days. Father, the life is very tough here, trust me, sometimes, we don’t get time to sleep as well. So, child, please come here, we are desperate to see you and Naveen. I also really want to meet you all, I will come soon. I have an idea child, we haven’t listened to what you said, we did not inquire about Naveen that is why you left us and get upset from us, right? Mother, what are you talking? Trust me, I am not upset with you all, I cannot be upset with you all, Mother, Naveen come here and take it. Tell grandmother to stop crying, we will come soon to her. Grandmother, don’t cry, I will come soon to you. Look at her, my Naveen is like my Naveen, the same voice and the same eyes. Yes, you see, God has given our Naveen back. Come Zohaib child,

I really want to meet you. Please come now, it’s been so many days. Where is our daughter in law? Call her as well. Yes. It’s been so many days to see her. Yes. Call her child. It is disconnected. It is disconnected. Father have tea, mother the tea is getting cold. The call is disconnected. Come on Ujala, you will sit on this seat from now. What do you mean? this is your seat. I mean from now; you will be the principal of this school. Madam, but. Actually Ujala, I don’t have the strength now, my doctors asked me to take rest, they said if I will work like this, I will die in 4 months instead of 4 years. God forbid madam, what are you talking? If you want that this will not happen, so please take care of this seat, I don’t deserve this seat. Who told you that you don’t deserve it? In the entire school, only you are the one who deserve this seat, if someone will ask me, how important are you? God has given me the skills to see from the eyes of the heart Ujala, and I have recognized you from your inner soul, not from your appearance. Madam, I am embarrassed, I haven’t replied to you from love, since I have joined this school, you have given me so much respect, you have taken care of myself and I haven’t listened to you. Leave it Ujala, just forget it now, couples are made in heaven and I know that very well, Zoya is growing up as well, and do you know the era is so bad now, I don’t want to leave her alone and if you ask me the truth, I don’t have that strength now that I will take care of Zoya and school at the same time, both are important for me, both are precious, first I used to think that I will handover Zoya to you but now I want to give the school’s responsibility to you. You don’t worry at all, I am trying my best that the responsibility that you are giving me, I will complete it and will take care of the school the same way as you. Okay, then sit on this seat in front of me. Thank you so much. Thank you Ujala., now can I go? Yes. I agree that God take test from His favourite person, but what he deserves, He never tests His person more than that, and who will get success in the test, God rewards them as well. What reward will I get? You will see, that time will come very soon when everyone will get jealous of your fate. Tell me what is the matter? First you take the sweet. Okay, I will take it, it is very tasty, now tell me what is the matter? Wait, aunt, you also take it. Bakhtiar brother you as well. I am waiting since long that when this box will come to me, yes. Tell me. What is the good news? Do you get any prize bond. You can take it like that aunt. What do you mean? Aunt, I am the principal of the school now. What? really? Great. Madam Shahwar has taken a retirement; she wants to rest now and the entire responsibility of the school is on me now. Ujala, this is good news that you are being promoted now. Is that only a promotion or? Mother, there is nothing like only promotion, your responsibilities get increased and salary as well. How much your salary has been increased? Aunt, 1 lakh. Great. My throat is choking. Do you need water? Yes, I am choking, the sweet is choked in my throat. I will bring water. You can sit. I think there is so much ghee in this. You can have it mother, you can get happy sometime. Are you mad? I am choaking. Enough, come on sister, bring it. No problem, you can have it more, you will be fine. Kiran, that is really not fair, you always pay the bill and this time as well, you paid the bill. What is so wrong in this,

I give it every time, so I give it today as well. Kiran, you always win, Kiran have a big heart. Not only heart, her bank account is also huge. So, what is wrong in this, my husband is one of the top business men of this city, and I am his dearest wife, Zarbab takes care of me a lot, he doesn’t miss anything and you know that God makes my heart big, I don’t think at all when I do expense for my family and friends. I just pray that you take care of our expenses like this. Yes, I wanted to have a party on this weekend, I am sure you both are not busy? Not at all. And even if we would have, I would have cancelled all my plans for your plan, even my Europe trip. Great, so sweet. I swear, I really also want to put a grand party at my house, but what can I do, I have that old man and woman in my house, my father and mother-in-law, oh God, I got scared, when I laugh loudly at the house as well. So, you can put a gathering somewhere outside the house. Yes, and we are already a big fan of your hosting. Yes, you can arrange it outside, then we will plan. Kiran, I have one more idea. What is the idea, tell me? Let’s go on Europe trip? Wow! I swear, I couldn’t think of this idea, anyways, I have children, Zarbab will not allow me to take them with me. So, you can leave them with their grandparents? No, never ever, I don’t allow my children to go to them, the old woman and man are mad now, they will make my children crazy as well. Oh, I thought that we all will be together at the world tour. Why are you being disappointed so soon? We will plan something for now you can enjoy the food and if you all want to order anything else, you guys can. Zarbab. yes father. You haven’t given an increment to the workers for 2 years? No father. Why? Can you tell me the reason? Father, the machines broke down for two years and then we had lockdown everywhere, now we haven’t gotten any profit that I would have given them the increment, Can you show me the profit sheet, Yes, one second. We are getting the profit of 1 crore monthly. It is father, it is a profit

but 1 crore is not enough that  I will give increment to 50 workers.

Look Zarbab child,

these poor workers are depending on you after God,

it is your responsibility to take care of them,

you. Come on here, put it here,

I have done so much shopping today,

I am so tired today,

thank you sister,

I really needed this tea at this time.

I just forget to tell you all,


I have taken a beautiful diamond set for myself,

look at it,

I have taken diamond set for myself, how is it?

Zarbab, you can see, how is it?

Why do you have to do all this?

Oh sorry,

I have done a mistake,

I should have showed this set to you  in the room when we would have been alone,

I should not have showed it to you in front of everyone,  you must not like it.

Now you got to know father,

why Zarbab  couldn’t increase the increment of the workers?

I forgot,

that you are also sitting here,

I should not have showed my shopping to you,  because you are jealous of my happiness.

And tell me, one thing,  you are staying in this house,

your hangouts, you’re eating,  and staying here

and also Zarbab  pay the school fees of children as well,

then you never asked that  why did this money comes from?

How are you talking to me?

I am talking correctly,

and you, you are the eldest of the house,

your daughter is wasting so much money,  you don’t care for that,

but your daughter in law has taken a diamond set  and you thought of workers now?

is this the way to keep the  daughter in law of the house.

How are you talking to father?

I am talking correctly.

Since I came in this house,  you all have problems from my things, you always give me instructions,

my husband runs this factory,

the whole day he works hard,  he goes to office and work,

only I and my children have the rights on his earning,  you have no rights.

I don’t understand,  why do you stay in this house always?

Tell me one thing,

1 crore cheque that Zohaib  has taken from Yawar brother, where is it now?

why did you not informed about that to anyone?  Why have you taken it?

give it for the workers now,  why are you not taking it out?

Why do you have it with you? Tell me?

He is your husband later on, but first he is my brother; did you get it?

Okay, I know that you have one more brother,

you can take your rights  from the other brother as well,

why are you after my husband?


Faiza have two brothers

and both the brothers loves her a lot  and takes care of her.

Zohaib send money to her every month,  you don’t know this? Leave it aunty,

your other son sends 5 lakhs for Faiza,

which she puts silently in her pocket

and she ask my husband to complete her expenses.

It seems to me that  after divorce her life is very nice now,

just look at the way she is living.

Behave yourself, she is my eldest sister.

What is wrong that I have said,

just see your sister,

divorced women do not dress up like this,  she dresses up so well,

and I am married, she is having problem on  my things and my shopping.

So, you also take a divorce.

God forbid,

you can hear what your sister is saying,

they are the people who are thankless,

there is an idiom for the people like you,  that you destroy your own people,

you have taken all the expense of my husband,  what else do you want?

You will take the entire earning?  And I have nothing in my share, I am the wife, I have the right,

you don’t have any right on that.

Look Kiran, don’t take me wrong,

I cannot have bad intentions on this shopping,

my father has given me a luxurious life that

you cannot even imagine in the dreams,

Zarbab is my brother

and I have all the rights on him

and you cannot take it

and listen to me one thing,

this is my parent’s house,

you cannot make me out of this house at all,

stop dreaming of getting me out of this house.

You pushed me? Faiza.

You will see,

I will throw you out of this house very soon.

Zarbab. Mother.

Because of this woman,

you tried to raise your hand on me?

I am trying to answer your bad attitude,

but my parents are standing here,  and my upbringing stops me,

they have all their rights on me Kiran

and you cannot take this right,

behave yourself, otherwise,  I will fix you, did you get it.

I will see,

I will go with my children now,

I will see, who will stop me?

Don’t touch the children.

This is very nice,

it will look nice in your room as well, right?


but it must be expensive too?

Let’s ask.

Yes, you can ask the price.

Excuse me.

This is expensive.

Can you give us some discount?

We need this dressing as well along with the bed.

Come on you all,

I will see, who will stop me to take you all.

Don’t create a new mess in the house.

I am creating a fuss?

You have prioritized your mother  and sister on me,

so you can keep them with you,

I am taking my children with me.

Don’t touch the children Kiran.

They are my children and they will go with me,

you can keep your mother and sister with you

and don’t stop me, did you hear that.

Kiran for God’s sake,

please don’t leave the house,

I will promise you that

this will not happen with you again,

please don’t take the children with you,  please for God’s sake.


if you will say, I can stay,

but I have one condition,

tell your sister to bow down  and say sorry to me,

right now.

Sabra, put the things of madam in the car

and tell driver to drop her at her mother’s house.


Out, I said out.

Don’t come to take me.

I will not see your face as well,

you will see, come on,

you have no concern with this house.


my brother, I am sorry,

for my sake,  please don’t ruin your house for me,

I will say sorry to her, I will bow,  please don’t do it because of me. Sister,

this is your house,

it is your right

and you can stay here, please sister.

Zarbab, please make him understand,

don’t do this for me, please my brother.

Faiza, please stop crying, Faiza.

Child, please stop her,

you know she will not come back,  she is stubborn.

It is good father,  if she is not coming back,

I am fed up of this, she creates fuss every day,

she will stay at her mother’s house, she will be fixed.  Mother, please make him understand.

okay Faiza, enough, please.

Please tell him not to do it because of me.  Okay, stop crying.


why do you need to order so many things,  who will eat it?

We will eat it and children will eat it;

do you want to order anything else?

This is for now,  but after this we will have ice-cream.

Okay, we will have ice cream later.

I think that  you have invested all your salary today.

It is still left, you don’t worry.

You are doing wrong,

don’t do all this.

Sister, don’t you think that  these things are important?

If it would have been in my hand,

I would have asked you  to change your house as well,

good residence puts a good effect on the  person’s personality, it gives a confidence.


if we would have a rented house so  I would have done what you are saying but for now,

it is very difficult,

now you will see both of them will tell everyone  when they go home about whatever we have done,

when we go home,  don’t tell anything to anyone, just stay silent.

Sister, why are you scolding them?

The one from whom you are getting scared off,  we will take something for her as well.

You don’t need to,

enough of the expense now.

Have food.

Come on,

come on,



come on.

What happened? Did Zarbab said anything to you again?  What happened?

Do you know that  Zarbab tried to raise her hand on me again.

What happened? Is he mad?  He thinks that you are his servant, whenever he wants,

he can raise his hand on you?

What happened?

Why Kiran is crying like this?


Stay silent.

What is the matter?

Do you have a fight with Zarbab again today?

You always consider Zarbab right,

you always support him,  you never support your sister.

Faiza pushed me out of the house,

I am thinking that instead of Naveen,  that Faiza should have been died,

she is so rude, she always fights.

This is impossible.

Siyani Drama All Episode - [Eng Sub] - Anmol Baloch - Mohsin Abbas Haider - Saniya Shamshad - 9th Nov 2022

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